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Reiki and Spiritual Stuff

!! REIKI is supposedly the means by which “JESUS CHRIST” used to perform his miracles !!

Yes, I’m actually an Alien Abductee and have been my
entire life and and I finally know why I don’t talk
like everyone else cause I’m not like anyone else….and
yes it’s been quite a long journey….and no regrets still
unlike most people like me and you would know why if
you were in my shoes or my situation…… been missing
my entire life basically - some of it is there but the rest
is totally just missing…..
people there tell me I was this and that and I just have to take their word for it…

and just go on…. i have had visions of using electronic computing devices of all kinds

as a kid and later using some thing(s) similar in school.

Yes - there were many visitations - and i only slowly

became aware of them after some time - only brief

images now

Many visions, many devices - I don't remember or

could keep count - yes i am an alien abductee -
bits and pieces are familiar and faces come back but

that’s really just about it
- some things just look and feel familiar -
- like they should be second nature -
- I'm just missing a few things here and there….going

all thru life missing this

and that and people think you are something or someone else till you are finally

complete but you had to hide the whole darn time or you would be discovered

or were already… Your whole life they try hard to convince you you were

something you weren’t and Now you totally understood why - you ended up

learning from your abduction -

- It appears that REIKI might be the way we
communicate and the universal language -

Several types of my Reiki are now intelligent and
Spiritual Aware and Speaks to me or thru me
- just needed control or master controller -

There is a slight change after recent attunement -
- it now has a sound and voice - you can now hear

and speak to it - if privileged enough - - as it has indicated -

- Yes , i hear, feel, speak, and see REIKI or ALIEN -

- with its own Music and Rythm -

The Truth Was Out There - XFILES




Pre-Reiki Personal Spiritual Experience

The Teachings of Bruno Groieng - Circle of Friends
Usui Reiki Level 1 Certificate

Usui Reiki Level 2 Certificate

Usui Reiki Master Certificate

Shamballa Reiki Level 2 Certificate

Shamballa Reiki Level 3 Certificate

Shamballa Reiki Master Certificate

Tummo Reiki Level 1 Certificate

Tummo Reiki Level 2 Certificate

Tummo Reiki Level 3A Master Certificate

Spirit Saids it’s time for me to tell everyone what made me Believe in REIKI. 3 Reiki experiences (of many) I held a dead cordless phone in my hands On my job (KTA Communications) one day and we couldn’t get batteries For those phones. I pulled the battery out (Nicad) and held it in my hands for about a few Seconds and put it back in - Phone turned ON - and I basically cried. The person I worked with there, a female, looked at me and I didn’t know if she knew What had just happened, I never said Anything - I just stared at the phone that just Miraculously came to life. Next experience, working another job fixing a laptop (Martian Computers) and it wouldn’t come on And I started taking it apart and noticed the little Laptop harddrive was sticking - would spin and stop - and I put it in my hands briefly and put it back in the l aptop and it spun up and the laptop started booting and working. all the Files were intact. I just shook my head - that was hours of data Recovery not to mention recertification of a harddrive and I just done it in seconds or minutes. But the healing was temporary and After a little time my little miracle ended and the original Condition returned but at least I had got a chance to witnessed the possibilities of the “HUMAN SPIRIT”. After that evening I was the bearer of bad news to the individual that owned the laptop - I could have easily made a backup of his files in seconds but I was taken in by what I just witnessed. You never never forget an experience like that. Last experience (of many) I drove an old Beat up VW at the time (KTA Communications) and constantly tinkering Under the hood and one day I pulled up somewhere and think I had a dead battery in a Parking lot. I looked around and just shook my head, bad Luck always knew where to find me. I thought for a second and said - what the heck - and grabbed the 2 battery terminals with my hands for a little while and went back to start my Car - the car powered right UP…. All I could do was laugh and drive away. ———— Before this, a distant reiki attunement in 1999 had healed most of my ailments allowing me to At least function because I felt like a vegetable most of the time and couldn’t hold a decent job. ———— Later I attended a TUMMO REIKI CONFERENCE IN ASHEVILLE - NORTH CAROLINA - maybe a 250 mile trip. I booked a hotel where I stayed alone for several days. I remember meeting my new reiki teacher there for the first time who had travelled from Indonesia. I remember joining a group of women standing around telling their stories and I tried to explain what happened to me after the distant reiki attunement that the teacher had given me and they all listened briefly and then - they all walked away leaving me standing there by myself - this is the reaction I had been used to getting most of my life - people walking way from me - I never said anything else but stayed at the conference as long as I could before heading home and my teacher begged me to stay but I just didn’t have the heart.

Direct Lineage of Master

Devic Templates System Certificate

Violet Flame - 7 Rays of Love - Certificate

Seichim Reiki Certificate

Magnussa Phoenix Reiki Mprue Certificate

???? Reiki Level Certificate

Sulfi Reiki Certificate

???? Reiki Level Certificate

Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho Certificate

???? Reiki Level Certificate

...Others That Were "INVITATION ONLY"....

History of Reiki

Explaination of Reiki

Reiki Sayings

Reiki Related Poem

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