Bedbug Killer Remover
B E D B U G -- K I L L E R -- R E M O V E R --
K I L L S ----- T H E M ----- D E A D
Acc-340 (Applied for)
Rid the world of bedbugs one bug at a time
Homemade bedbug remover - discovered by accident
- kills bedbugs dead within hours and days at the
- forget the store pesticides and expensive sprays,
you can buy this item right off the store shelf.
- it is a very commom item for those who are into
home improvement and automotive repair.
- there are various brands of the same item and all
should be just as effective.
- i started out with something very similar but ended
up with this item which is readily available in different
manufacturers brands or duplicates of the same
---- E N D -- Y O U R. -- B E D B U G -- N I G H T M A R E -------- N O W ---
i have the secret ingredient that is readily available
almost everywhere in most do-it-yourself stores...
All you really need is a "bedbug blocker" to put it in
the troughs and place somewhere for the bedbugs to
come feed on... By the time they feed on it - they will
DEAD before they make it to your bed or furniture.
i ended up cleaning several room in my house with it..
and they have not come back yet...
i got these bugs from my ex-girlfriend, so be careful
who you spend time or spend the night with....
she laugh at me and said I would never leave her or
have anyone else because of these bugs... and so far
its been more than 7 years since we've been together
and still no more bugs...
anything that losens nuts and bolts especially on
automobiles..... mechanics use this a lot and there is a
popular name brand which i can't mention here...
and also stop squeaking and noise on hinges...
and door locks that stick...
The theory is if the spray can eat rust on metal then it
should eat the bedbugs alive and it does....
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